Statutory Rape in Ohio

Statutory rape or “Unlawful Sexual Conduct” can be charged based on the age of both parties.  The age of consent in Ohio is 16.   An offender, who is 18 years or older, can be charged with statutory rape if they knowingly or recklessly engaged in sexual conduct with another person who is 13 years or older but less than 16.


The level of the charge depends on the age difference between the parties. 

            -If the offender is less than 4 years older than the victim the charge will be a misdemeanor of the first degree.

            -If the offender is more than 4 years older than the victim but less than 10 years older, the charge will be a felony of the fourth degree.

            -If the offender is more that 10 years older than the victim the charge will be a felony of the third degree.


Note: Even the misdemeanor charge carries the requirement of a sexual offender classification.  It’s a Tier 1 classification, which requires an annual registration for 15 years.  The felony charges require a Tier 2 classification, which requires registration every 6 months for 25 years. 

Categories: Sex Crimes