OVI Consequences for Commercial Drivers
If you have a commercial driver’s license (“CDL”) and are charged with DUI/OVI in Ohio, the consequences are severe. Not only are you subjected to the same penalties as non-commercial drivers, but there are additional penalties for your CDL as well.
Ordinarily, if you refuse a chemical test or your Blood Alcohol Content ("BAC") is above the legal limit, your license will be immediately suspended and your license will be confiscated by the arresting officer. This is called an Administrative License Suspension (“ALS”).
For CDL holders, even if you are driving a non-commercial vehicle and you test above the legal limit or refuse a chemical test, your CDL will immediately be suspended. If you test over the legal limit, your CDL will be suspended for 90 days. If you refuse a chemical test, your CDL will be suspended for one year (A second refusal will result in a lifetime disqualification of your CDL). Also, no driving privileges can be granted to drive a commercial vehicle, during the ALS.
If you are found guilty or plead guilty to an OVI, by law, the ALS will terminate and you will be placed under a court ordered suspension. For a first offense OVI, your CDL will be suspended for a minimum of one year. A second offense OVI will result in a lifetime disqualification of your CDL.
There are also additional charges that may be filed if you are charged with a DUI/OVI while driving a commercial vehicle.